Yes, it's time to take a break and stop rushing love Whether you're pushing every guy you date to say "I love you" after the first date or jumping from relationship to relationship hoping everything magically clicks, the more you rush things, the harder it is to find love Don't ruin your chance at love just because you're impatientAug 07, 15 · That's a good sign, but take it slow If you treat love like a race, you're treating it like something that can be won and owned If you treat love"Take it slowly" is correct "Slowly" modifies "take," so it's an adverb, so you want the "ly" on the end That said, "take is slow" idiomatic, which means it's what people actually say I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say "take it slowly" S 25 Inspirational Quotes To Help You End Your Toxic Relationship Pairedlife Relationship let's take it slow quotes